Archive for the ‘Aaron's News’ Category

Underwood’s Back!

Greetings Spotlight Watchers,

Well it has been a few years of careful consideration and thought, but I have finally decided to bring Agent Tobias Underwood back to the Agency.

Yes, I’ve decided that I shall re-commence work on ‘SCARRED’ effective immediately. 01/06/10.

This should make a few people happy, specially those that have been hounding me… you know who you are!!!!

Anyway, Hope you enjoy this tid-bit of information.


Chapter Artwork

Hey All,

Have been spending alot of time lately on art work for the chapter headings. mainly concept sketchs – and honestly i’m a terrible artist – i’m looking for/trying to get a certain type of art style. In saying so I’m looking for someone (an illustrator) willing to take my concept art sketchs and bring them to life. . . interested??? if so please send some samples of your work to

Design document:

Black and white penor ink sketched, similar to the below images by Gary Chalk from Brian Jacque’s Redwall series.

Happy sketching


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